Last 25 Specialday's

29-07-2018 12:59:38
Game Date: 07-03-0056 4:34
Today is a special day:
Scholars Day
English: More experience in any skill, cummulative with the gods exp.
Role Playing: A group of scholars is visting our lands, spreading knowledge all over. OOC: crappy explanation, no?

29-07-2018 12:48:38
Game Date: 07-03-0056 4:23
Today is a special day:
Scholars Day
English: More experience in any skill, cummulative with the gods exp.
Role Playing: A group of scholars is visting our lands, spreading knowledge all over. OOC: crappy explanation, no?

29-07-2018 08:22:17
Game Date: 07-03-0056 0:00
Today is a special day:
Scholars Day
English: More experience in any skill, cummulative with the gods exp.
Role Playing: A group of scholars is visting our lands, spreading knowledge all over. OOC: crappy explanation, no?

29-07-2018 01:26:34
Game Date: 05-03-0056 5:09
Today is a special day:
Day of Robin Tell
The legendary Robin Tell is visiting us today, and all the ranging exp is doubled!

28-07-2018 20:13:37
Game Date: 05-03-0056 0:00
Today is a special day:
Day of Robin Tell
The legendary Robin Tell is visiting us today, and all the ranging exp is doubled!

27-07-2018 23:05:33
Game Date: 01-03-0056 3:07
Today is a special day:
Reconstruction day
English: Today, there is a chance that when you use an item, it will not dissapear from your inventory.
Role Playing: For reasons unknown to us, perhaps a time space anomaly, some items do not dissapear after being used.

The day was Donated by STX
27-07-2018 13:51:03
Game Date: 30-02-0056 0:00
Today is a special day:
Decreased harvesting events day
English: Today there is reduced chance to triger random harvesting events.
Role Playing: Gaia is pissed off today, she decleared that today random events while harvesting will be even more rare.

27-07-2018 13:50:56
Game Date: 29-02-0056 0:00
Today is a special day:
Decreased harvesting events day
English: Today there is reduced chance to triger random harvesting events.
Role Playing: Gaia is pissed off today, she decleared that today random events while harvesting will be even more rare.

27-07-2018 07:55:40
Game Date: 29-02-0056 0:09
Today is a special day:
Non Stop Day
Today you don't stop harvesting when you trigger a mini harvesting event.

The day was Donated by IvoryRose
27-07-2018 02:18:13
Game Date: 28-02-0056 0:36
Today is a special day:
Day of Schools
Today if you use a school, you get 3 times the exp (instead of 2 times)

The day was Donated by Shrek
26-07-2018 19:37:10
Game Date: 27-02-0056 0:00
Today is a special day:
Increased harvesting events day
English: Today there is an increased chance to trigger random harvesting events.
Role Playing: Gaia is happy today, she is granting additional random events to those that harvest today.

26-07-2018 19:37:06
Game Date: 26-02-0056 0:00
Today is a special day:
Increased harvesting events day
English: Today there is an increased chance to trigger random harvesting events.
Role Playing: Gaia is happy today, she is granting additional random events to those that harvest today.

26-07-2018 01:22:57
Game Date: 24-02-0056 0:00
Today is a special day:
Reconstruction day
English: Today, there is a chance that when you use an item, it will not dissapear from your inventory.
Role Playing: For reasons unknown to us, perhaps a time space anomaly, some items do not dissapear after being used.

The day was Donated by MADALINUX
25-07-2018 19:18:43
Game Date: 23-02-0056 0:00
Today is a special day:
Day of Bones
Today, everyone can eat bones. Some creatures will also drop more bones.

25-07-2018 03:47:42
Game Date: 20-02-0056 2:41
Today is a special day:
Day of half cooldowns
Today all cooldowns are half of the normal duration.

25-07-2018 01:04:40
Game Date: 20-02-0056 0:00
Today is a special day:
Day of fasting
English: No eating this day. Yeah, I know, you hate us.
Role Playing: Today is the day when we pay respect to our gods, wether we respect them or not :D

25-07-2018 01:04:33
Game Date: 19-02-0056 0:00
Today is a special day:
Day of fasting
English: No eating this day. Yeah, I know, you hate us.
Role Playing: Today is the day when we pay respect to our gods, wether we respect them or not :D

24-07-2018 19:00:16
Game Date: 19-02-0056 0:00
Today is a special day:
Increased rare manufacturing day
English: Increased rate of producing a better product today while creating new items (manufacture, alchemy, etc.).
Role Playing: All the gods that patron manufacture related skills are happy, so that might reflect in your today's production of items.

24-07-2018 16:28:04
Game Date: 18-02-0056 3:29
Today is a special day:
Reconstruction day
English: Today, there is a chance that when you use an item, it will not dissapear from your inventory.
Role Playing: For reasons unknown to us, perhaps a time space anomaly, some items do not dissapear after being used.

The day was Donated by StAnN
24-07-2018 06:50:55
Game Date: 17-02-0056 0:00
Today is a special day:
Day of Tailoring
Today you get twice the tailoring exp.

24-07-2018 06:50:51
Game Date: 16-02-0056 0:00
Today is a special day:
Day of Tailoring
Today you get twice the tailoring exp.

24-07-2018 00:46:17
Game Date: 16-02-0056 0:00
Today is a special day:
Day of half cooldowns
Today all cooldowns are half of the normal duration.

The day was Donated by Wakko
23-07-2018 18:42:00
Game Date: 15-02-0056 0:00
Today is a special day:
Day of Manufacturing
Today we get twice the manufacturing experience!

23-07-2018 12:37:51
Game Date: 14-02-0056 0:00
Today is a special day:
Day of Robin Tell
The legendary Robin Tell is visiting us today, and all the ranging exp is doubled!

23-07-2018 06:33:01
Game Date: 13-02-0056 0:00
Today is a special day:
Day of Recycling
English: 5% chance of not losing the ingredients while using the manufacture window
Role Playing: Today we use the resources in a more efficient way, allowing for better production of items and animals.