Last 25 Specialday's

17-02-2025 21:25:43
Game Date: 19-06-0082 0:09
Today is a special day:
Day of Aleksei Stakhanov
English: 3x experience for harvesting.
Role Playing: Aleksei Stakhanov is in the town today, teaching harvesters how to harvest resources more effectively. for more info about him.

17-02-2025 15:12:18
Game Date: 18-06-0082 0:00
Today is a special day:
Day of Alchemy
Today we get twice the alchemy experience!

17-02-2025 09:07:56
Game Date: 17-06-0082 0:00
Today is a special day:
Increased rare manufacturing day
English: Increased rate of producing a better product today while creating new items (manufacture, alchemy, etc.).
Role Playing: All the gods that patron manufacture related skills are happy, so that might reflect in your today's production of items.

17-02-2025 03:03:32
Game Date: 16-06-0082 0:00
Today is a special day:
Increased harvesting events day
English: Today there is an increased chance to trigger random harvesting events.
Role Playing: Gaia is happy today, she is granting additional random events to those that harvest today.

16-02-2025 15:30:10
Game Date: 14-06-0082 0:33
Today is a special day:
Day of Joule
English: Half the food for manufacturing/potion/etc. skills.
Role Playing: Today we celebrate James Prescott Joule. See for more info on who he was and what he did.

16-02-2025 14:55:55
Game Date: 14-06-0082 0:00
Today is a special day:
Day of Joule
English: Half the food for manufacturing/potion/etc. skills.
Role Playing: Today we celebrate James Prescott Joule. See for more info on who he was and what he did.

The day was Donated by Sadness
16-02-2025 02:47:40
Game Date: 12-06-0082 0:00
Today is a special day:
Increased harvesting events day
English: Today there is an increased chance to trigger random harvesting events.
Role Playing: Gaia is happy today, she is granting additional random events to those that harvest today.

16-02-2025 02:47:34
Game Date: 12-06-0082 0:00
Today is a special day:
Increased harvesting events day
English: Today there is an increased chance to trigger random harvesting events.
Role Playing: Gaia is happy today, she is granting additional random events to those that harvest today.

15-02-2025 20:43:39
Game Date: 11-06-0082 0:00
Today is a special day:
Day of Recycling
English: 5% chance of not losing the ingredients while using the manufacture window
Role Playing: Today we use the resources in a more efficient way, allowing for better production of items and animals.

The day was Donated by CHOPPER
15-02-2025 08:35:22
Game Date: 09-06-0082 0:00
Today is a special day:
Day of Sun Tzu
English: 2x experience for attack and defense
Role Playing: Sun Tzu is in town, teaching people about how to be better at killing others.

15-02-2025 02:35:52
Game Date: 08-06-0082 0:04
Today is a special day:
Day of Joule
English: Half the food for manufacturing/potion/etc. skills.
Role Playing: Today we celebrate James Prescott Joule. See for more info on who he was and what he did.

14-02-2025 20:32:56
Game Date: 07-06-0082 0:04
Today is a special day:
Day of Robin Tell
The legendary Robin Tell is visiting us today, and all the ranging exp is doubled!

The day was Donated by LeSaint
13-02-2025 20:11:26
Game Date: 03-06-0082 0:00
Today is a special day:
Day of Magic
Today you gain twice the magic experience.

13-02-2025 08:02:25
Game Date: 01-06-0082 0:00
Today is a special day:
Day of the print
English: Today there is a chance that once you read a book you will instantly assimilate the knowledge.

13-02-2025 08:02:16
Game Date: 01-06-0082 0:00
Today is a special day:
Day of the print
English: Today there is a chance that once you read a book you will instantly assimilate the knowledge.

13-02-2025 01:57:51
Game Date: 30-05-0082 0:00
Today is a special day:
Day of the Horses
Today horses will last longer

12-02-2025 19:53:42
Game Date: 29-05-0082 0:00
Today is a special day:
Day of Schools
Today if you use a school, you get 3 times the exp (instead of 2 times)

12-02-2025 05:15:49
Game Date: 26-05-0082 3:32
Today is a special day:
Day of Schools
Today if you use a school, you get 3 times the exp (instead of 2 times)

The day was Donated by Otarin
11-02-2025 20:03:36
Game Date: 25-05-0082 0:27
Today is a special day:
Reconstruction day
English: Today, there is a chance that when you use an item, it will not dissapear from your inventory.
Role Playing: For reasons unknown to us, perhaps a time space anomaly, some items do not dissapear after being used.

11-02-2025 19:36:05
Game Date: 25-05-0082 0:00
Today is a special day:
Acid Rain Day
English: Each minute you spend outside when it rains, there is a chance for the items you WEAR to get damaged and dissapear.
Role Playing: Our scientists have discovered an increase in the acidity of the rain, due to the increased pollution from the dwarf and gnome factories. Anyone being hit by the rain might lose some of the items they wear.

11-02-2025 19:36:04
Game Date: 24-05-0082 0:00
Today is a special day:
Acid Rain Day
English: Each minute you spend outside when it rains, there is a chance for the items you WEAR to get damaged and dissapear.
Role Playing: Our scientists have discovered an increase in the acidity of the rain, due to the increased pollution from the dwarf and gnome factories. Anyone being hit by the rain might lose some of the items they wear.

11-02-2025 13:35:22
Game Date: 24-05-0082 0:03
Today is a special day:
Day of Tailoring
Today you get twice the tailoring exp.

The day was Donated by LeSaint
11-02-2025 01:23:06
Game Date: 22-05-0082 0:00
Today is a special day:
Scholars Day
English: More experience in any skill, cummulative with the gods exp.
Role Playing: A group of scholars is visting our lands, spreading knowledge all over. OOC: crappy explanation, no?

11-02-2025 01:23:01
Game Date: 21-05-0082 0:00
Today is a special day:
Scholars Day
English: More experience in any skill, cummulative with the gods exp.
Role Playing: A group of scholars is visting our lands, spreading knowledge all over. OOC: crappy explanation, no?

10-02-2025 19:19:17
Game Date: 21-05-0082 0:00
Today is a special day:
Scotty's vacation
English: No #beam me up.
Role Playing: Umm.. Scotty has to take his cat to the vet today, so he can't beam you up.