Last 25 Specialday's

16-12-2024 15:30:48
Game Date: 08-10-0081 0:00
Today is a special day:
Solare Flares
English: Today, if you are out at daytime, you lose 2 hp/minute.
Role Playing: Our scientists have noticed a solar activity increase, so the UV rays and the solar wind are going to cause damage to all living beings (Isla Prima not affected). We recommend staying indoors during the daytime.

16-12-2024 03:22:20
Game Date: 07-10-0081 0:00
Today is a special day:
Day of Aleksei Stakhanov
English: 3x experience for harvesting.
Role Playing: Aleksei Stakhanov is in the town today, teaching harvesters how to harvest resources more effectively. for more info about him.

16-12-2024 03:22:19
Game Date: 07-10-0081 0:00
Today is a special day:
Day of Aleksei Stakhanov
English: 3x experience for harvesting.
Role Playing: Aleksei Stakhanov is in the town today, teaching harvesters how to harvest resources more effectively. for more info about him.

15-12-2024 21:18:43
Game Date: 06-10-0081 0:00
Today is a special day:
Day of Sun Tzu
English: 2x experience for attack and defense
Role Playing: Sun Tzu is in town, teaching people about how to be better at killing others.

15-12-2024 03:06:51
Game Date: 03-10-0081 0:01
Today is a special day:
Day of Magic
Today you gain twice the magic experience.

The day was Donated by NzWitch
15-12-2024 03:05:53
Game Date: 03-10-0081 0:00
Today is a special day:
Day of Murphy
English: ALL the failures are critical (ingredients lost)
Role Playing: Anything that can go wrong, will.'s_law

15-12-2024 03:05:46
Game Date: 02-10-0081 0:00
Today is a special day:
Day of Murphy
English: ALL the failures are critical (ingredients lost)
Role Playing: Anything that can go wrong, will.'s_law

14-12-2024 21:01:45
Game Date: 02-10-0081 0:00
Today is a special day:
Day of Aleksei Stakhanov
English: 3x experience for harvesting.
Role Playing: Aleksei Stakhanov is in the town today, teaching harvesters how to harvest resources more effectively. for more info about him.

14-12-2024 01:08:46
Game Date: 28-09-0081 4:21
Today is a special day:
Day of Magic
Today you gain twice the magic experience.

The day was Donated by sickick
12-12-2024 21:51:52
Game Date: 24-09-0081 1:24
Today is a special day:
Non Stop Day
Today you don't stop harvesting when you trigger a mini harvesting event.

12-12-2024 14:22:35
Game Date: 23-09-0081 0:00
Today is a special day:
Decreased harvesting events day
English: Today there is reduced chance to triger random harvesting events.
Role Playing: Gaia is pissed off today, she decleared that today random events while harvesting will be even more rare.

12-12-2024 08:18:18
Game Date: 22-09-0081 0:00
Today is a special day:
Reconstruction day
English: Today, there is a chance that when you use an item, it will not dissapear from your inventory.
Role Playing: For reasons unknown to us, perhaps a time space anomaly, some items do not dissapear after being used.

The day was Donated by Wilderness
12-12-2024 02:13:57
Game Date: 21-09-0081 0:00
Today is a special day:
Day of half cooldowns
Today all cooldowns are half of the normal duration.

12-12-2024 02:13:53
Game Date: 21-09-0081 0:00
Today is a special day:
Day of half cooldowns
Today all cooldowns are half of the normal duration.

11-12-2024 14:05:36
Game Date: 19-09-0081 0:00
Today is a special day:
Day of Running
Today we use less food while running.

11-12-2024 14:05:33
Game Date: 19-09-0081 0:00
Today is a special day:
Day of Running
Today we use less food while running.

11-12-2024 08:01:19
Game Date: 18-09-0081 0:00
Today is a special day:
Day of Sun Tzu
English: 2x experience for attack and defense
Role Playing: Sun Tzu is in town, teaching people about how to be better at killing others.

11-12-2024 01:57:02
Game Date: 17-09-0081 0:00
Today is a special day:
Day of Evanescence
Today everyone (including mobs) have the Evanescence perk. (won't show in the perks list)

10-12-2024 19:53:18
Game Date: 16-09-0081 0:00
Today is a special day:
Day of positivity
Today some negative perks don't work.

10-12-2024 19:53:09
Game Date: 16-09-0081 0:00
Today is a special day:
Day of positivity
Today some negative perks don't work.

10-12-2024 01:40:12
Game Date: 13-09-0081 0:00
Today is a special day:
Scotty's vacation
English: No #beam me up.
Role Playing: Umm.. Scotty has to take his cat to the vet today, so he can't beam you up.

10-12-2024 01:40:07
Game Date: 12-09-0081 0:00
Today is a special day:
Scotty's vacation
English: No #beam me up.
Role Playing: Umm.. Scotty has to take his cat to the vet today, so he can't beam you up.

09-12-2024 19:36:11
Game Date: 12-09-0081 0:00
Today is a special day:
Day of more grief
English: Higher chances of items breaking today.
Role Playing: Today our planet is passing throughout an area in our universe where the electromagnetic law is slightly different, and this is causing the armors, weapons, tools and clothes to be slightly weaker, thus increasing their chance to break.

09-12-2024 19:36:10
Game Date: 12-09-0081 0:00
Today is a special day:
Day of more grief
English: Higher chances of items breaking today.
Role Playing: Today our planet is passing throughout an area in our universe where the electromagnetic law is slightly different, and this is causing the armors, weapons, tools and clothes to be slightly weaker, thus increasing their chance to break.

09-12-2024 16:36:02
Game Date: 11-09-0081 3:01
Today is a special day:
Day of Magic
Today you gain twice the magic experience.